I watched the classic hockey movie "Slap Shot" the other night. It was filmed in 1976 and starred Paul Newman. First of all, even I think that Paul Newman is hot! Damn... sort of like George Clooney but more "manly". Handsome, funny, smart, cool, and I'm pretty sure he would win the fight if it was Newman vs Clooney.
Slap Shot is indeed a great hockey film. The Hanson brothers are unforgettable but... it was so dated when it came to sex. Yes, there are a lot of locker room scenes so the guys throw the words pussy and fag around a lot. That sort of stuff probably still happens in locker rooms more than it should in 2016.
But there was one scene that really threw me. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this.
Paul Newman's character hooks up with the wife of a player from another team. It's clear that they have been fucking. They're both naked in bed with that afterglow and they're shooting the shit and talking about life. The naked lady (who had very nice nipples by the way!) tells him that she's getting a divorce from the other player, Hanrahan or something like that. She tells Paul Newman that since she's decided to get divorced she's been fooling around and she ended up fooling around a lot with another player's wife. So, according to her, she had turned into a dyke. But wait? Wasn't she just fucking Paul Newman? Does the word bisexual not appear in their dictionary? Are they completely unaware of this phenomenon?
Then it gets even more fucked up!
Paul Newman turns to her and says, "So did you tell Hanrahan? What does he think?"
She says, "yeah, I told him. He totally freaked out. Got super pissed. He said that if I'm a dyke that must make him a fag."
What... what?! Huh? This logic completely escapes me. It does not compute. I do not understand.
Then in the next scene Paul Newman goes to the club house and talks to the guys. He tells them that Hanrahan and his wife are getting divorced and that his wife has turned into a dyke. Even though he's just fucked her. The guys all say, "oh my god, that means Hanrahan is a fag!"
Again... What the Fuck? This was apparently common knowledge and the consensus in 1976? Holy shit. We've come a long way.
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